In search of a PLE

Still in search of what a PLE might look like, I came across this report on the SPLASH project. “The SPLASH project will contribute to the overall JISC e-learning program by addressing the use of portal technology and its integration into personalised learning environments”. Although possibly more aptly described as a ‘Homepage’ I liked the premise  requirement of such an environment as: VLE/LMS systems are very modular and course based and isolate content to an institution or even a particular course limiting the scope for sharing and re-purposing of content. The project also recognises that many (FE/HE) students already have their own accounts for many Web 2 services.

The aims of this project are to

Create student personal homepages based around portal/mashup technology

Ensure that the content users will be creating, using and sharing will have longevity

Increase the benefit to the user of having an investment in such a system

Cater for students who have not used these technologies before

Introduce students to the benefits to be gained from the social interaction that blogs and other tools provide and the actual learning outcomes that can be achieved

Allow students to use the tools provided to state personal goals, plan a project or essay and for self-reflection

Allow lecturers to engage with students in ways of learning and interaction

 Explore ideas around Web 2.0 approaches to online communication

Explore ways of producing student homepages by utilising already existing data held within the MIS system

About thand

I'm a currently working at NSW Departrment of Education & Training, Connected Classrooms Program, Sydney.
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